Monday, February 20, 2012

Lost your love now what to do


Have you ever found yourself lost in a relationship of confusion, as if you were speaking a completely foreign language to your partner, vice-verse?
Have you ever found, that you could not seem to find the right way back?
Back to when you understood and were understood, in every thing that you would say or do.
Back to where it was easy and natural to be in the relationship like waters that trickling down stream.
Have you ever found while making love with your partner that something just is not quite right, as in the click is not clicking for some unknown reason? His smell has changed, his touches have less impact on your intimate-self, you just cannot stay within the moment anymore...something is just not right~
All of these feelings of being lost or off in a relationship do and will happen at one time or another. It is what I call the warnings of 'negative complacency', resulting in the 'wallflower syndrome'.
Some would say that these feelings of being lost are the first steps to the end of the relationship and they may very well be. However, if they are detected early enough and dealt with between both partners, the end will not so easily be invited.
It will take the efforts of both partners to find reason for the lost feelings. One partner cannot do this alone.
It will take courage and honesty from one, trust, maturity and understanding from the other.
Sharing these feelings, even if they are not what a partner wants to hear, is vital to the success and longevity of a relationship. Hearing that your partner is having issues in their feelings toward you is not easily accepted, as immediately they are taken as a personal attack or even as a feeling of failure. Fair enough, take a minute, have your pity party, but then, do move onto the issues at hand. Your partner is being very brave and in that bravery, she/he is taking great risk of being misunderstood. In that action alone, respect and an open mind should be given in turn.
Whether you are the partner with the lost feelings or the partner being confided is not an easy time in any relationship.
It is a time when both partners must take their part in the relationship serious.
It is time for both partners to remember what brought this relationship together in the beginning and work from there.
It is a true reality check, that somewhere something has been forgotten or taken for granted.
It is time to find what has been lost between each other and why.
It is not the time to play badminton with blame or fault, it is not the time to dig up past indiscretions or mistakes.
It is not time for name calling or using hurtful selfishness as a weapon. If partners allow these reactions of destruction to take place, the relationship will then most undoubtedly come to a bitter end.

Once again we are faced with choices.
The choices of.. listening, understanding and working together...
or falling into a poor-me-puddle and drowning all alone~
~You Choose~

Why somone loves each other


Why somone loves each other ""words that most people love to hear. These are words that most partners not only wait to hear, but also tend to gauge their confidence level by. In saying that... for all of you partners out there that feel that they are at loss for they are. Telling someone that they are perfect for you, means more to them than a box of candy or flowers.
These are what we deem as words with a thousand meanings. You are not just complimenting your partner, you are in-fact telling your partner in no uncertain terms that he/she is exactly what you want and who you would like to share your life with. In those few words, you are accepting them as they are, right there in front of you. On another note...these are the words that set you apart from any movie star.... because, they are real~

These words will more than not, take a relationship to a new and deeper level for many. I feel that the only other thing that can truly make a person feel good coming from another, is a smile.
As in any words to another person, it is vital to their trust in you, that you do not say them unless you mean them. The saying that, 'actions speak louder than words', is totally overridden when it comes to these words in my mind.. as long as they are said with, sincerity and truth.
As human beings we are born with an innate need to better ourselves. We work very hard at pleasing someone, at one time or another along our journeys through life. Telling someone that they are perfect for you, is placing them on a unique and special plateau where only the two of you exist. This feeling of belonging is one of the most important and self-nourishing feelings we can experience from another. It really does not take a lot to make your partner feel good.. in saying these words, you cannot go wrong. It is one of the right steps towards a happy and healthy relationship.

After all....Is that not what we all strive for and dream of..?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

1st dating tips for men and women

1st ( first ) dating is really important for both men and women. There are several tricks to handle this types of situation. Whenever a men and women plans to date , they feel an excitement from the thinking. They feels little bit worm inside the mind and body. This happens for only the fist date. People loves to surprise their lover on this occasion and they loves to show their love and feeling about them. This happens only for the first date. So if you are planning to date soon, do not feel hesitated and don't feel nervousness. Plan before the final countdown and have patient. Do the natural thing because women loves thus the ways.

Wish you best of luck on your first date